Particles of God


As mouthy and opinionated as I am about the wrongs of the world, I’m actually a student of non-duality. Non-duality is a belief in the oneness of all life. I believe, as many teachers have said, that we are each drops from the same ocean (which is God). I believe it’s impossible to be separated from God, because we are made of God. Just like u can’t separate yourself from the DNA of your parents, regardless of distance, or how you feel about them; neither can we separate ourselves from God. Additionally, I believe souls are immortal and continue on after death in new experiences. Who was that smart guy who said, “energy can be neither created or destroyed”? That’s the truth. So if we can’t be separated from God, and your soul will never die…There’s actually nothing to be afraid of, nothing to fight for and everything is profoundly OK in every moment.

I believe in the divine play. In other words, because God is infinite, he replicates himself through all of his creation in order to have infinite combinations of experiences. Therefore, our apparent separateness is actually just an experience, just like a dream. I think when we “die”, we wake up in another realm and go, “Wow, that was intense, I was a child slave in Bangalore, that time”, or “Cool, I was a mountain climber that time” or “That’s sucked, I was afraid the whole time, put me back in so I can learn to be more brave next time” etc.  All of our experiences are God doing his God thing. The experiences are not limited to what we would call good or bad because those are dualistic and relative terms.

When you become conscious of this divine play you can engage with it to the degree that you wish. Some people choose to check out of it completely and sit around in solitude (just another experience). Some people (like me) decide to keep playing, cuz hey, once you know the rules you can have fun with it. Some people are not conscious of the divine play at all (mainstream folks) but even that is part of the play; some teachers call that the “game of forgetting”. Every human has a well of peace that passes all understanding at ALL times, and deep down we know it, but we play around with feelings of fear, hatred, sadness because they are yet another experience in the mind of God.

Right now, I’m having the experience of being a black woman in the midst of a very uncomfortable racial climate and a very unjust world. I rant and rave about it, but at the end of the day it’s just one experience. Somewhere else someone is having the experience of being a white cop who, feels like they have a thankless, dangerous job, they have a right to protect themselves and all their actions are justified (just another experience). But know this, I believe we’ll BOTH wake up together on the other side and go, “FUCK!! That was a crazy ride! You, wanna go again? Alright man let’s switch this time!”. I don’t say that to negate anyone’s pain or suffering but I truly believe this. At the same time, I believe it worthwhile to fully experience, your “character” or role in this divine play; we’re here so we might as well (hence my ranting and educating about justice). So FYI to anyone who reads my very opinionated rantings about the condition of the world: Don’t ever feel like I’m against anyone in particular. I believe we come from one source which is God, and as such, we are not “particulars”, but rather we’re  all PARTICLES…of God.


Peace, Loves!  Go Play!

Jewel D.





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